We understand elderly care.

Our team is comprised of a mix of talents and backgrounds that cover all aspects of the elderly care sector.

Our people have nursed and cared for people. We have been a registered manager and responsible individual. We have built new care homes. We have invested in businesses that build and operate care homes. We manage highly regulated investment funds.

We are carers, nurses, builders, accountants, researchers, investors, and bankers.

When we created Target in 2010 c.10% of UK elderly care beds included an en-suite with a wetroom shower. Over the subsequent years of our Mission that figure has improved to c.32%, but we still have such a long way to go. We remain passionate and committed to playing a part in driving the improvements needed to care for our most vulnerable elderly citizens.

We recognise that availability of high-quality staff – managers, carers, nurses, cleaners, chefs, administrators, all roles – is hugely challenging. We believe that providing best-in-class care buildings including excellent staff amenities will put our tenants in a strong position to recruit and retain staff.

Once we have acquired or funded the development of a care home we visit regularly. It’s a particularly rewarding aspect of our mission. Walking the floors; visiting residents; sharing life and experiences; complementing and encouraging best practice.

Alongside the deep operational knowledge and engagement of our Healthcare Directors we have team members committed to understanding the numbers. We review regular detailed financial and operational data from our tenants. We assimilate and analyse this information to inform our well-considered asset management decisions and to constantly fine tune our investment thesis to continue to make astute investment decisions.